‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Governor Profiles



As a past pupil of Whitegate (many years ago) I am delighted to be able to support the school as a governor. I am married to Lisa and have two children, Lily and George. I am a Principal at a large primary school in Crewe and I am also a governor at a local federation of schools. I am passionate about learning and enrichment through experience. Whitegate is a thriving and improving school and it is a real privilege to be part of the journey.



I grew up in Chester but have lived in Moulton for nearly thirty years. I am married and have four teenage boys. I used to be a primary teacher (teaching across KS1 and KS2) before raising my family. I am passionate about providing the best possible education, taking the whole needs and development of all children into account, so that every child can achieve their full potential. After teaching, I was a governor at a local primary for seventeen years.

Last year I completed my training at Emmanuel Theological College and was ordained in July. I serve as curate at St. Mary’s, Whitegate and St. Peter’s, Little Budworth. When I first visited Whitegate Primary, I was thrilled to see the strong Christian ethos of the school, and since, the infectious enthusiasm of children in collective worship. It is both a delight and a privilege to be part of this thriving school family – to offer any support I can to pupils, parents, and staff as we grow together in the love of Christ.



I moved to Cheshire 20 years ago with my husband and three now grown up sons. I have been an active member of St John's Church Hartford all that time. For the past 30 years I have taught in special education both within mainstreams schools and special schools. Since moving to Cheshire I have taught at Rosebank School, a specialist school for pupils with autism where I recently retired from my post as the Head teacher.

I am passionate about developing ways to support children who have barriers to learning and enabling all the children at Whitegate to achieve their very best. 



I have been involved in school governance since 1989 when the role of governors in the strategic oversight of schools was greatly increased. It is, as they say, a game of two halves. There has been an overwhelming amount of paperwork and endless meetings on the one hand, on the other some brilliant school trips taking children gorge walking, abseiling and raft building on the Menai Straits as well as working with staff, parents and pupils both within school and the wider community. Somewhere along the way I was part of teams building two new schools which provided excellent facilities for decades to come. Education has always been something of a political football and I have lost count of the number of top down initiatives which schools have grappled with only for them to be quietly shelved once the powers that be came to their senses. So why would anyone want to be a school governor?


The answer is people. Our staff, our children and our parents. The skill and dedication of our staff, both within the classroom and in the many tasks needed to make schools happy and effective, are an inspiration. The curiosity, imagination and fun of children keeps us always on our toes. The commitment of parents to being part of a learning community makes unimaginable opportunities possible. We are always juggling resources, constantly managing change, always looking to handle the challenges life throws at us. But schools are places where people come together to make something happen that enrichens and emboldens. Being part of that is why being involved in governance matters.



I have had a long association with the school, as all three of my boys attended Whitegate Church of England Primary School over a period of 12 years. I am a committed Christian and the Children’s Worker for St. Mary’s & St. Peter’s Churches, so work closely with the school as part of the Ministry Team to continue to strengthen the links between the school and the church.

Before becoming a mum I was an Architectural Technician, working in private practice and the Local Authority, latterly in the department that dealt with Church of England Primary Schools. These are valuable skills in managing the upkeep, maintenance and any further building projects the school may wish to undertake.

Whitegate school holds a place very close to my heart, and I want to work to help make sure that it can be the best school it can be, and to give opportunities for all the children in our school community to thrive educationally, socially, emotionally and spiritually, learning about the love the of God.


Since 2013 I have had between 1 and 3 children attending Whitegate at any one time. I have seen many changes and improvements over this time and with my youngest attending until she starts high school in 2026, I am excited to be a part of continuing this good work.

I am a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years’ experience and in addition to the parental aspect I am able to bring a professional financial perspective to the role.

It is such a privilege to be able to input back into the school community. I am keen to use my experiences and skills as both a parent and an accountant to make our great school even better for all our children’s future.


My name is Jennifer Marshall and am mainly known as Jenny or Jen. Since the age of 5 years I have been in education in one form or other, with only as break of three years when I had my children. I qualified as a primary teacher and have taught in schools across Warrington, Weaverham and Ellesmere Port. Whilst I was Head of Early Years in Weaverham I opened a pre school which achieved outstanding status, before moving to larger premises at Weaverham Primary Academy. I have retired from teaching but remained involved in the pre school, as the Chair of Trustees.

During teaching across schools, I was responsible for Special Educational Needs and remain involved in this important area.

I have two grown up children and two grandchildren who live locally and we are a family who have many varied sporting interests. These range from horse riding, squash, golf, hockey, rugby and walking our family cocker spaniel Henry.

I have experience in governance in different schools and am currently a governor at another schools in Uttoxeter.

I support our local church with the various roles at the services and my faith is extremely important to me.

Supporting my village, I organise litter picking as part of my role as a Parish Councillor for Little Budworth.

My relaxation time is spent walking and reading and when I have time, escaping to the sunshine in Portugal.


I was born and brought up in London, but I made my home in Cheshire some 38 years ago. 

I have two sons, who are both married, and I have two granddaughters. In my spare time, I love music and singing, I walk a lot, and I enjoy travelling abroad. I am learning German, and working towards A-level.

I spent the first 17 years of my working life in teaching - initially French in secondary schools, followed by a time teaching early years. I then had a change of career, and worked for Barclays Executorship Service until my retirement in 2015.

In 2008, I became a member of the church family at St Mary's, when my husband, Andrew, was appointed as Organist and Choirmaster, and it was from St Mary's that I then went to train for ordination. I was ordained in 2014, and spent 5 and a half years on the ministry team at St Helen Witton, in the centre of Northwich, before returning to Whitegate as curate, just in time for the first COVID lockdown in March 2020. 

I am really excited about being part of the Whitegate community once more, and especially about becoming involved as governor in the life of Whitegate School.



I'm thrilled to join you all as a school governor! Both my children have called Whitegate home: my eldest recently embarked on the exciting (and slightly terrifying!) journey to high school, leaving only James keeping the house filled with Whitegate chatter. Witnessing their growth within these walls, with all the laughter, learning, and challenges that come with it, has instilled in me a deep appreciation for Whitegate's unique spirit. While I may spend my days navigating the world of automotive engineering at Bentley Motors, my heart remains firmly invested in fostering that same spark of passion and potential in Whitegate's students. I'm here to offer my experience, both as a parent and a professional, to ensure Whitegate continues to be a springboard for young minds to take flight. I am keen to work together to make Whitegate's future as bright as every child within it!



I have now been part of the Whitegate family since 2017 and been part of the huge changes that have taken place of the past few years. Having taught across both KS1 and KS2 I have come to know many of the children and families that make Whitegate special and unique. It has been a joy to get to know them. Having led PE and currently RE, PHSE and Collective Worship, I am excited to have a part in the wider leadership of the school.

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