Governor Roles and Responsibilities
Composition of Governing Body: 2023-24
Name | Category of Governor | Date of appointment | Date of end of tenure | Pecuniiary Interests | Designated Role |
Mrs C Mackenzie | Head teacher | x | Head teacher | ||
Canon P Dawson | Ex-Officio | x | RE and Worship | ||
Mrs T Finney | Foundation | 8/11/23 | 10/11/27 |
x |
Chair of Governors Pupil Premium Looked After Children Humanities |
Mrs J Marshall | Foundation | 3/5/23 | 2/5/27 |
x |
Rev J Millinchip | Foundation | 9/5/21 | 8/5/25 |
x |
English MFL |
Rev M Byrne | Foundation | 15/11/23 | 14/11/27 | x | |
Mrs J Webb | Foundation | 18/5/24 | 17/5/28 |
x |
Mr M Heathcote | Staff | 1/12/21 | 30/11/25 | x | GDPR |
Mr S Pickering | Parent | 15/12/23 | 14/12/27 |
x |
Computing |
Mr I Johnson | Parent | 19/11/21 | 18/11/25 |
x |
Vice-chair Mathematics |
Mr J Bancroft | Associate | 21/3/23 | 21/3/27 |
x |
Science |
Admissions |
Mrs C Mackenzie
Mrs T Finney
Quality of Education |
Mrs C Mackenzie Mr M Heathcote Rev J Millinchip Mr J Bancroft (Chair) Rev M Byrne Mr S Pickering |
Premises and Finance |
Mrs C Mackenzie Mrs T Finney Canon P Dawson (Chair) Mr I Johnson Mr S Pickering |
Pay Committee |
Mr J Bancroft Mr I Johnson Canon P Dawson (Chair) |