‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Sports Premium Grant


Government Funding for P.E.

Whitegate Church of England Primary School PE Sport Funding 2022-23

The government is providing additional funding of 150 million per annum to improve provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport nationally in primary schools. This funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport.

Purpose of the premium

The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2022 to 2023 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.

How the money is spent at Whitegate Church of England Primary School:

We spend our money on specialist PE coaches who provides at least one Physical Education lesson to each class throughout the school. This not only ensures a very high standard of physical education across both key stages and consistency through the delivery of lessons, but enables inavaluable Continuous Professional Development for teachers within school. As part of the Vale Royal School Sports Partnership,  we access over 25 different sporting events run through the year at Hartford High School from Reception to Year 6, as well as supporting Continued Professional Development for staff, in the form of courses and joint teaching experiences.  

'The physical education and sports funding for primary schools is used very well. Significant investment in sport has encouraged greater participation rates. Professional development for staff means that they are now more confident about their teaching in this area. There is a wide range of sports and after-school clubs for pupils to participate in. Pupils who spoke with the inspector value these opportunities.' (Ofsted, July 2019.)

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