‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Beech Class 2023 - 2024



Mrs Savage is the class teacher

Mrs Mackenzie teaches on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Turner on a Thursday afternoon

Mr Parish teaches PE on a Tuesday morning and a Thursday afternoon

Mrs Feast is our teaching assistant


Follow us on Twitter  @beech_whitegate

In Beech class, the children begin to develop their independence as they grow academically, socially and personally. The children grow in wisdom by building on their previous knowledge through our exciting topics and areas of learning. There will be many opportunities for them to shine through assemblies, worships, practical learning opportunities, trips and experiences over the course of the year. Our current topic is...

Beside the seaside.JPG


English and Maths

In English lessons we are focusing on writing longer peices which include all the key elements of writing for year 2. The main focus will be recapping known writing skills such as use of conjunctions, range of vocabulary and time words to structure and organise their writing. This will extend to looking at how our writing can have an effect on the reader and a key focus on audience and purpose. We will be recapping writing postcards, letters and poetry and extending our narrative writing with stories and recounts. We will be continuing to developing our editing skills through proofreading, revising and peer editing.    

Maths will focus on completing our unit of work on multiplication and division and move onto money, measures and statistics. We will also be focusing on time through daily telling of the time, discrete lessons and homework tasks. 

Reading continues plays a fundamental part in all areas of the curriculum. We have our reading display ready to be filled with the many, high quality texts we will be immersed in this term. We will be reading a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books including poetry, within our English, guided reading and topic sessions, as well as our end of the day class read. We have a spotlight author who has been chosen for their high-quality texts. We will have to opportunity to listen to, read and learn more about these fantastic authors.

Our Spotlight author is Allan Ahlberg.  Having this literacy-rich environment will encourage a positive culture of reading within our class and promote the children's enjoyment of reading. 

Allan Ahlberg.JPG


Our theme of ‘Besdie the Seaside’ will see us find out about the coastline of Britain and identify the seas that surround the UK, in Geography. We will be identifying similarities and differences between different UK beaches and use appropriate geographical vocabulary to describe their features. Linked to our residential visit, we will be identifying human and physical features in Llandudno and comparing and contrasting Llandudno with our local area using maps, aerial image and photographs.

In History we will be comparing and contrasting holiday pictures of Llandudno in the Victorian times with now. This will lead us on to discussing causes for the changes e.g. development of transport, describing how clothing and entertainment has changed over the years at seaside resorts and how we know.

In art, we will be continuing with the theme of paint but combining this with sketching and wax resist. With a focus on our residential visit to the RNLI, our art project will link to this and our one unselfish ac this term. Watch this space parent's as we may need you help! In music, we will be learning about folk music, extending this with our music and movement unit where the children will be dancing around the maypole and continuing to develop our composition skills. 

Our Religious Education focus will be on exploring Ascension and Pentecost, following on from the children's learning about Easter. We will also look at the Church and explore why people gather in the church and why it is a special place for Christians. This unit will also allow us to explore other faiths and their places of worship. In PSHE we will continue to look at the topics of relationships and focus on wellbeing and the differences between boys and girls, male and female. Our No Outsiders text explores respect and communication. 

Computing will continue to look at internet safety. Finally we will be publishing some of our writing using simple programmes on the laptops; developing the children's typing skills and use of Microsoft programmes.



Homework will be set each Friday and will be due in the following Thursday. Please ensure the children's homework books are returned on a Thursday so they can be marked and the children's new homework added. Homework will consist of a personalised spelling list in their red books and a link to their maths tasks on Education City. Please also encourage your child to access the Numbots programme, which really helps to support their basic skills in addition and subtraction. We will be setting Times Table Rockstars logins once our multiplication and division unit in maths is in full swing.  

Please ensure your child reads at home at least 4 times per week.  In Beech, we expect the children to be reading aloud to someone at home and for this to be recorded in their Home – School contact books.  

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 



Mrs Savage 


Below is an example timetable. Please note this is subject to change. Please note during Summer 1, PE continues to be on Tuesday and Thursday

Timetable 3.JPG



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