‘Trusting in God; Growing in Wisdom’

Willow Class 2023 - 2024




Class teacher - Mr M Heathcote

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs C Morris (Monday, Thursday, Friday) and Mrs W Rowland (Tuesday, Wednesday)

Miss Graves on a Friday afternoon for French and Mrs Shapland for computing. 

Follow us on Twitter  @WillowWhitegate



In year 4 and 5, the children in Willow class will be supported and guided in growing to understanding of the world around them. Through a wealth of experiences, we develop thankfulness for all we have. In all that we learn, we aim to find opportunities to shine both in what we have learnt and in what we do.  Above all, being in Willow class gives us the opportunity to develop self-control, and self-motivation and the chance to act wisely in all we do and say.


Our focus in English this term will be on accuracy and growing into fluent and effective writers. Over the year so far, we have covered so much within grammar and punctuation and for our final units of writing, we will putting all of these skills we have learnt into practice. We will be writing across a range of different genres as we focus on two great texts which are by the truly wonderful author Michael Morpurgo.

In maths, we will initially focus in on our multiplication with an eye to the year 4 times table check. We will be engaging with formal division and problem solving with our current knowledge of multiplication. Fractions will be our main focus as we move through the term as we then engage with reasoning and problem solving across the curriculum.  

In reading, we will be enjoying our weekly guided reading groups and engaging with a range of high-quality texts. To support your reading at home, the children will have the chance to read many different texts and engage with online resources to hone in on the specific reading skills such as understanding, inference and expanding vocabulary.

In RE, we will be exploring the brave character of Daniel from the Old Testament and learning about resilience in an almost hopeless situation before exploring what the church is and why this is relevant to us still in today’s modern world.  

In science, our first destination is the moon! We will be exploring the vastness of space and focusing in on the importance of the moon on our fragile and unique world. Then, we will turn our eyes towards look at materials and their properties.   

“War!”. It is now 80 years since the hugely significant events of D-Day, the Dambusters and Evacuees occurred during World War Two. Over the term, this will be our focus in our history on geography. We will explore key events that occurred within the war itself before focusing on the story of the Dambusters from 617 Squadron and the role of flight within the war. We will visit the sight of the practice for these remarkable raids and take on the role of evacuees during our residential in July to the Peak district.

In PE, we have finally reached the summer! So, it is Maypole time! We will also be enjoying dance for Northwich sings and getting ourselves prepared for Sports Day. Don’t forget about swimming on Wednesday’s this term as well!

In computing, we will be focusing on online safety. This is such a vital area of learning in this ever changing, internet-driven world and we will be complimenting the work you will no doubt be doing at home on this key subject. In addition, we will be coding.

In our more creative subjects, we will be creating puppets and creating our own shows to show to our Acorns and new starters, take part in Northwich Sings and perform in front of 250 people, and carrying on within our art project.

In French, we will be learning the basics of vowel sounds, numbers and greetings.



Reading is at the heart of successful learning and we will immerse ourselves in a range of quality texts over the course of the year.  As Reading is a priority across all subjects, we regularly use a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in our lessons to help inform richer learning across the curriculum in the afternoon. 

In addition to this cross-curricular learning, a single day might also see us exploring the motivations of characters in our gripping class novels or simply allowing children time to develop a love of reading through our provision of high-quality fiction books.  Wherever and whenever possible, we will prioritise developing the skills and positive attitudes towards Reading that will enable Willow class to become confident, informed and engaged learners. 

Home Reading expectations are detailed below, but should your child express and interest in a particular author, series or genre, please let us know and we would be delighted to order books from our library partners free of charge. Visits to your local library are also encouraged!


PE and Swimming

PE will be happening on a Friday morning where we will be outside with the maypole carrying out traditional dances. We will also be swimming on a Wednesday so please ensure you have your costume and towel for this day. 


Please ensure your child reads at home at least 4 times per week.  In Year 4 and 5, they are expected to record their own reading in their Home – School contact books; parents just need to sign each time. 

TT Rockstars should be practised at least 15 minutes a week. This will be checked each Thursday with extra time in school for those who can not fit it in.

Don't forget about Education City as well!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me using the Home-School book or by email via this address: contact@whitegate.cheshire.sch.uk 




What is the Year 4 Muliplication Tables Check

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is a Key Stage 2 assessment to be taken by pupils at the end of year 4 (in June). The purpose of the MTC is to make sure the times tables knowledge is at the expected level.


What to expect:

The MTC is an online test where pupils are asked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question you have 6 seconds to answer and in between the questions there is a 3 second rest. Questions about th e 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC.


How to prepare:

The best way to prepare is to start early, this is why Timestables Rocksters is to completed at least 3 times a week as part of home learning, in addition to class practise. With regualar pracitse, children will learn all the questions and gain confidence. Do also use the web links below:


Times Table Resources:
Times Table Rockstars – (soundcheck, at least 4 times a day)
Multiplication Tables Check – 2022 – Timestables.co.uk
Times tables Speed Test X – Timestables.co.uk
Times tables games – Learn them all here!
Times Tables Games for 7 to 11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Test your Multiplication – Times Tables From 2 to 15 (mathsisfun.com)
Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe







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